Kelly Warr Wellness

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I Dare You to Try Wild & Free

It’s FriYay awesome people! What do you have on the books for a little wild and free time? After all… you matter… and this helps keep us young & healthy.

I am so happy to have made it to the weekend. Sometimes the adulthood struggle is real. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I used to tell my once young kiddo to enjoy this time, as you are only young (by age) for a short time…. And the next stage is hard work. TRUTH?

It is so easy to get caught up with work, bills, children, tasks, appointments, etc. That we often forget about the inner self… the part of us that creates our drive. If we lose sight of our inner wellbeing our outer world will not align with our inner values…. The core of who we are and makes each of us unique. I’m here to remind you that this is a crappy way to survive. SO much unhealthy can begin to creep in… physically & mentally.

This is what can happen when you are caught in this plateau: Depression, anxiety, anger, increased cortisol Obesity, diabetes, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure Kidney failure, many forms of cancer Additionally: Feeling like life has no real purpose other than just hard work

So here is your reminder YOU only have 1 life to live Do something which makes you laugh and feel alive.Encourage the healthy endorphins to come your way.

Choose to live this weekend authentic (what your inner core thrives on). See if you feel the difference. If you are stuck & are struggling to find this… Let’s schedule that 1st step conversation & get the momentum & passion flowing