Mental State…Exhausted


It is no wonder....You may be on the verge or deep in the throws of depression..? Personal care and time has been almost nonexistent.


Both your physical and emotional wellbeing has taken a beating. You have completely lost who you are as an individual. It is possible that the roles you juggle look like a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.


Mental exhaustion doesn't happen over night. It is gradual and sneaky. Here are a few signs that you may be crossing over into depression:

  • You may begin drinking or drinking more and daily

  • Start misusing both prescription and illegal drugs

  • Begin avoiding physical intimacy

  • May be sleeping too much

  • Have compulsive behaviors develop

  • Isolate from friends and family


If you have any signs of depression... it is critical that you reach out for help. Not only do you place your safety at risk, the care you provide to your loved one may suffer.


Self-neglect has reached its breaking point... and now should be placed at the top of your list. It is time for self-love, forgiveness and grace.


Reach out, cry out or scream for support. Don't worry about judgement... because what others may think about you is none of your business. What matters most is healing, clearing the mind and moving forward with a successful plan.


Stop suffering. Begin living live beyond disease. You can have joy and purpose once again. I will help you navigate this road.


I would like to invite you to a personal call with me. I have 3 openings for my 90 day 1:1 mindset & health program.

Love, Kelly Jean




Emotionally Drained…