As we are approaching the week where we focus on THANKSgiving...
I cannot help but reflect upon my past two years and the transformation to which I have created for my individual health and mental wellbeing.
I had come to a point of feeling eaten alive by circumstances. My mental state was suffering pretty hard... and it was transferring into my lung disease. I knew there had to be more to this life which the Lord had given me. I just had to get out of my comfort zone... and dive in deep to the order to discover it.
Fast forward to now...
I have discovered a new purpose... and it has evolved into my coaching practice. I have created a space to guide clients (and caregivers) as they navigate their journey with chronic illness better so that they can enjoy life beyond the disease 💪
Where I am now...
My mental state is very healthy. The lungs are cooperating & I am currently off all inhalers. Creating my business is crazy hard... as I am trying to figure this all out & connect with those who need me. However, I have purpose, which has improved my mental & physical wellness.
With this... I want to say thank you 🥳
To the clients which I have supported, those who follow me & share my site... and those who are trying to find the strength to heal themselves. I have found transformation… and you can as well.
Love, Kelly Jean